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1946 Riley,
1972, 1982 & 2018 Jaguars, 2001 Landcruiser, 2006 Ford Transit van, go
karts & RC engines "friction reduction effect"
1990 Ford Fairmont
overheating and starting problems resolved
1991 Toyota
Landcruiser doubles fuel economy:
Listen to interview
1997 Mitsubishi
Magna nipping up after LPG conversion: Resolved
1997 Toyota Corolla Conquest
Seca gave up smoking after Xcelplus treatment
1998 Toyota Starlet: No oil!
No damage!
1999 Mitsubishi Lancer >33%
improvement in economy
2000 Daihatsu
Sirion running without oil: Didn't seize
2002 Commodore wagon
overheating: Resolved in 5 minutes
2004 Holden Barina hatch Running badly and
getting poor mileage: Resurrected
2006 Mitsubishi Colt
476,000 km on original cam chain, maximum as new compression and so
quiet it can't be heard
2006 BMW 645Ci Smoking-noise stopped and
more power
2011 BMW X5 turbo diesel +30
% increase in fuel economy
2014 Subaru Outlander: Power,
responsiveness and fuel efficiency improved with Combustion Chamber
Treatment: Listen to interview
Kia Cerato +89% increase in fuel economy:
Listen to interview
2002 Honda Integra Race Car
picked up 1.5 seconds each lap
1987 Yamaha FZR 1000 9
race seasons without a rebuild
Yamaha XT600 Hard to
start: Resolved
Geocycle Hydraulic gear
driven crusher so quiet hearing protection no longer required
Pasture Topper Scorching
hot gearbox temperature reduced dramatically
DeltaPak Screw
compressor stopped tripping and temperature dropped
Scissor Lift Hydraulics
stopped sticking
Hammer drill stopped
overheating: A pleasure to use (Grease)
Chainsaw McCulloch M3616 (36
cc) There was an instant improvement: I was cutting the same tree
but cutting was easier
Whipper Snipper
McCulloch M1255 CLS (26 cc) has more power (cuts better)
The Facebook page has more examples of how Xcelplus can be beneficial:
If you have a testimonial
you want to share please email us.