









The original Slick 50 (pre 1984) formula is now sold under the name XcelPlus.


Q Is it true that XcelPlus is the original Slick 50 formula?
A Yes. In 1983 John Bishop the inventor discontinued the supply of  the formula to Petrolon who marketed Slick 50.

Q What other names has XcelPlus been marketed under, when were they available and where?
A Click to view Trademarks used to market XcelPlus

Q Will XcelPlus void your warranty?
A No XcelPlus will not void the manufacturers warranty.

Q Who invented the original Slick 50 Engine Treatment (aka XcelPlus)?
A John Bishop Sr

Q What year did the XcelPlus (aka Slick 50) formula first appear on the market?
A 1975



Q Can the manufacturers of the new Slick 50 formula quote tests done with the original Slick-50 formula?
A No. The Slick 50 settlement with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) prohibits Slick 50 from making claims that rely on the original Slick50 tests.

Q Can XcelPlus quote tests done under the Slick 50 name?
A Yes... for any test done with the original (pre 1984) Slick 50 formula.

Q What is the difference between XcelPlus and it's competitors?
A XcelPlus is a long lasting treatment (160,000 km between treatments).
XcelPlus has been tested extensively.
Tests are provided on the web site.

Q Do you have a picture of the PFL (Permanently Fused Layer) coating?
A Yes in the Tests section (Franklin Institute and NASA)

Q Are XcelPlus claims substantiated?
A Yes. There are tests by independent laboratories, consumer and government organisations: Look in the tests section.

Q How can I test it's working?
A Here are some ideas for testing XcelPlus.

Q What is the best way to establish which product is the most effective?
A The product that prevents the most wear is the best product:
XcelPlus reduces wear more than any other product.

Q Is pressure testing (Falex ball test) a valid way to establish which products work best?
A No.
Extreme pressure additives usually contain high levels of chlorine and sulphur:
Chlorine forms hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphur forms sulphuric acid (H2SO4) which will damage your engine.

Q If my engine is quieter does this mean a product is reducing wear?
A XcelPlus makes your engine quieter because lubrication is improved and wear is reduced.
Extreme pressure additives like chlorine and sulphur make engines quieter but can damage your engine.
Oil stabilisers and viscosity improvers make your engine quieter but don't always reduce wear.

Q What is the best engine treatment?
A The treatment that demonstrates the biggest improvements:
XcelPlus provides the largest improvements of any tested engine treatment.

Q What is the best engine oil additive?
A The oil additive that demonstrates the biggest improvements:
XcelPlus provides the largest improvements of any tested product added to the oil.

Q Will XcelPlus coat a Nikasil bore?
A Yes.
N.B. It will also protect against Australian high sulphur fuels that can damage a Nikasil bore.



Q Is XcelPlus an "oil additive"?
A No. XcelPlus is a "Metal treatment" and "Boundary Lubricant":
It treats the metal not the oil and prevents metal to metal contact.

Q Is XcelPlus an oil?
A No.
It is designed to be compatible with the widest possible range of oils but not affect their properties.

Q Is XcelPlus added to the oil?
A Yes

Q Does XcelPlus contain PTFE (Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene)?
A Yes.

Q Is PTFE the active ingredient?
A No.
The manufacturer (Petrolon) says it is not and so do Dupont.

Q Why do you no longer mention Teflon in your products?
A Teflon (aka PTFE) is a Dupont trademark

Q Is XcelPlus compatible with all metals?
A Yes

Q Can XcelPlus block my oil galleries?
A No.
An oil gallery is typically at least 8 mm in diameter. XcelPlus coats to 1-2 microns (1/1000 mm).

Q Will XcelPlus stop lifter noise?
A Yes.
Lifter tick is typically caused by a lack of lubrication when oil galleries are blocked with carbon deposits.
XcelPlus removes carbon deposits, stops new carbon deposits from forming and improves lubrication.

Q Why is XcelPlus the best treatment for noisy lifters?
A Because it only requires a single application and eliminates the cause of the poor lubrication i.e. Carbon deposits which cause poor lubrication are reduced or eliminated.

Q Can XcelPlus interfere with engine clearances?
A No.
XcelPlus coats to 1-2 microns (1/1000 mm) and this is too small to interfere with any clearance.

Q If engine tolerances are too tight, causing abnormal wear, will XcelPlus help?
A Yes.
The XcelPlus coating is so thin it gets between the problem parts and improves lubrication which reduces wear.

Q Why doesn't my idle speed increase if the friction is decreased?
A In modern cars the Electronic Control Unit (ECU aka computer) will keep the idle at a preset speed.

Q When will the idle speed increase?
A After treating with XcelPlus engines with carburettors normally show an increase in the idle speed.

Q If the friction is reduced why doesn't the engine temperature gauge show the reduction?
A The thermostat keeps the engine temperature in a pre-set range. The gauge will only show a temperature drop if the engine is overheating i.e. Outside the desirable range.

Q Can you use XcelPlus in a rotary engine?
A Yes.
Rotaries respond well to XcelPlus.

Q How can you tell that soot is reduced after treatment with XcelPlus?
A a) Pre-ignition (pinging) is reduced
    b) Via oil analysis
    c) The ignition can be advanced further
    d) The engine has more power
    e) Mileage improves
    f) The combustion chamber is cleaner
    g) The spark plugs are cleaner

Q Can XcelPlus stop an engine from seizing?
A Yes.
However, an engine running without oil can incur other damage so running without oil is not recommended.

Q Can XcelPlus prevent valve float?
A Yes.
XcelPlus frees up valves so they are less prone to sticking. This is often noticed as increased RPM's and greater responsiveness

Q Does XcelPlus have a shelf life or expiry date?
A No.

Q Which product reduces wear the most?
A The Engine Treatment because it treats more of the engine than any other product.

Q Will XcelPlus stop hydrogen (H2/HHO/HOH) metal embrittlement?
A Yes

Q How does XcelPlus stop hydrogen (H2/HHO/HHO) embrittlement?
A XcelPlus is impermeable to hydrogen.

Q Can XcelPlus protect engines against sludge formed when using ethanol in fuels?
A An engine treated with XcelPlus will always have (boundary) lubrication, which prevents sludge from sticking and the piston/bore from scoring.
N.B. Combustion of ethanol forms acetaldehyde which polymerises to form a sludge. The sludge makes rings stick, lets fuel into the sump oil, reducing lubrication and leading to scoring of the piston/bore.

Q Should I let my mechanic add the XcelPlus?
A It is always better to add the XcelPlus yourself. Otherwise it is impossible to be certain the XcelPlus has been added.

Q Will all vehicles demonstrate a reduction in wear?
A A  reduction in wear has been measured in every tested engine.
The minimum wear reduction measured in any test is ~50 % and maximum is ~90 %
N.B. Wear reduction is a much more objective and accurate measurement than fuel efficiency.



Q How much does the average car save after using XcelPlus Engine Treatment?
A ~$840 each year ($8,400 over a 10 year period). Read 7 Ways to save money with XcelPlus for more details.

Q How long does it take for XcelPlus Engine Treatment to pay for itself?
A ~43 days (Read Save time with XcelPlus)

Q What other savings do you make when you use XcelPlus?
A Wear, repairs, oil, protection, emissions (CO2, CO, hydrocarbons/soot, NOx, etc...) and time (Read Cleaning up the planet one car at a time)

Q How long would it take the fuel savings to pay for a bottle of XcelPlus?
A It would take you $1,000 of fuel to pay the cost of the bottle if your mileage improved by 10 % (Read Reduce wear with XcelPlus)

Q How much do you save at the fuel pump by using XcelPlus?
A Assuming a mode of 10% improvement in efficiency you would save $10 for every $100 of petrol purchased (Read Save fuel with XcelPlus)

Q How soon should you treat your engine with XcelPlus?
A As soon as possible: You start saving as soon as the engine is treated (Read Protect your engine with XcelPlus)

Q Which XcelPlus product results in the largest improvements in fuel economy?
A Some of the largest improvements in fuel economy occur after adding the Combustion Chamber Treatment N.B. After first treating with the Engine Treatment.

Q What will give you the largest increase in fuel efficiency?
A Treat as much of the vehicle with XcelPlus as you can i.e. Engine Treatment, Combustion Chamber Treatment, Gear Treatment (differential, gearbox, LSD, transfer case) and Grease (bearings).

Q Will all vehicles demonstrate an increase in fuel efficiency?
A A reduction in wear (due to reduced friction) should result in an improvement in fuel efficiency... but sometimes doesn't.
However as the vehicle ages fuel efficiency continues to remain the same... an overall saving.

Q Why do some vehicles not show an improvement in fuel efficiency?
A Some owners use the extra power i.e. Trade off fuel efficiency.
The Engine Control Unit (ECU) will sometimes limit any improvement in fuel efficiency by keeping it in a pre-existing range.
A failure to take accurate measurements before and after treatment makes it difficult to spot many improvements.


Engine Treatment (Concentrate)

Q How is XcelPlus applied?
A The treatment is added to the oil.

Q Does the engine need to be hot prior to treatment?
A No

Q Does the engine need to be started immediately after treatment?
A No

Q Should you change the oil prior to treatment?
A Yes. The treatment will have longer to clean and coat the engine.

Q Is an oil change essential before treating?
A No. The treatment will work even if the oil is dirty.

Q If the car does not require an oil change yet how can you maximise the XcelPlus treatment time?
A Add 1/2 the treatment immediately and the other half when you change the oil.

Q Can I split the XcelPlus treatment across two or more oil changes?
A Yes. A very dirty engine or an engine where the oil is changed frequently will benefit from this approach.

Q What kinds of engines can be treated?
A Petrol, diesel, alcohol, gas, nitrous, turbo, supercharged, carburettor, fuel injected, direct injected, hydrogen (H2/HOH/HHO), mist injection, etc...
N.B. Do not use in 2-stroke and aircraft engines: These have special treatments designed for them. 

Q How often should an engine be treated?
A Retreat after 160,000 km. This ensures the coating remains optimal
N.B. If an engine is rebuilt, parts are changed or mechanically abraded these parts will need to be retreated.

Q How long does the coating last?
A 160,000 km

Q Can the coating last for more than 160,000 km?
A Yes. However to ensure full protection we recommend retreating at 160,000 km.

Q How long does it take XcelPlus to treat the engine?
A The length of an oil change is usually sufficient: It is recommended that the oil is not changed for at least 8,000 Km.
N.B. The longer XcelPlus is in the longer it has to treat the metal. This is especially important in dirty engines where the metal has to be cleaned/prepared so the treatment can bond to the surface.

Q If a lot of carbon is mobilised by the treatment what can be done? e.g. In diesels
A Do an early oil change to remove the excess carbon.

Q How quickly can the effect of XcelPlus on an engine be noticed?
Often the effect of XcelPlus can be noticed straight away but sometimes it takes many kilometres or an unusual situation before you realise what has changed.

Q How much will one bottle of XcelPlus treat?
A One bottle of XcelPlus treats an engine capacity of 7 L (not oil capacity)

Q Can you put less XcelPlus in smaller engines?
A Yes. Roughly pro-rata: Refer dosing chart

Q Does it matter how much oil is in the engine?
A No. XcelPlus treats the metal not the oil. Treatment is based on the size of the engine (combustion chamber volume) not the oil volume.

Q Is over-treating an engine with XcelPlus dangerous?
A No. XcelPlus only coats to 1-2 microns thickness then stops. Any excess will be flushed out with the oil change.

Q If you apply the recommended amount of XcelPlus is there any chance you will under-treat your engine?
A No. The recommended amount should be more than sufficient to treat any engine up to 7 L engine capacity.

Q Will XcelPlus make the wet clutch in a motorcycle slip?
A No. The fibre plates remain uncoated and do not slip even though the metal separator plates are coated.

Q If the engine shares oil with the gearbox should additional XcelPlus be added to compensate for the extra metal being treated?
A Yes. Double the amount of XcelPlus used.

Q Is XcelPlus compatible with synthetic, mineral, graphite, castor and ester (vegetable) based oils?
A Yes. XcelPlus is non-polar and thus will dissolve in any non-polar solvents (oils). It does not dissolve in polar solvents (alcohols).
N.B. XcelPlus is compatible with API SF, SG, SH / CD, CD2, CE, Caterpillar TO2, Cummins NTC400, Allison C3, Mack EDK2, MIL L46152 C & D, MIL L2104 E & D

Q Is it better to treat an old engine or a new engine with XcelPlus?
A A new engine gets the greatest benefits because it will continue to run like new for ~2-10x longer than normal and the benefits will accrue for its entire lifespan.

Q Is it worth treating an old engine with XcelPlus?
A Yes. An old engine often shows the greatest improvements e.g. economy, noise, temperature, vibration, compression, power, responsiveness, etc..

Q Should you treat a brand new engine with XcelPlus?
A No. Wait until the engine is run in as XcelPlus almost stops the wear-in process.

Q When is the engine run in?
A Check your service manual or ask your mechanic. Big engines take longer to run in and small engines run in faster N.B. 10,000 km or 100 h is sufficient to run in most engines.

Q Will XcelPlus help a smoking vehicle?
A Yes. XcelPlus removes varnish and helps the rings move more freely in the piston so they seal better. N.B. XcelPlus does not replace metal or fix worn seals.

Q Will XcelPlus increase compression?
A Yes. XcelPlus removes varnish and helps the rings to move more freely in the piston/cylinder so they seal better: Compression evens out across all cylinders

Q My Car sounds like it is going to die. Is it worth trying XcelPlus?
A Yes. The worst the car sounds the more likely it will benefit from improved lubrication: The more it needs XcelPlus protection.
N.B. Seizing due to lack of lubrication is the most expensive failure that can occur. The majority of engine problems are caused or exacerbated by poor lubrication. Improving lubrication transforms many poorly running cars (refer testimonials).

Can I use my favourite oil with XcelPlus?
A Yes. XcelPlus does not change the performance of an oil.

Q How can I tell if XcelPlus is compatible with something?
A Put a small amount of XcelPlus and your oil together and see if they mix. If they sediment or separate then they are not compatible.

Q Can you use oil additives after adding XcelPlus?
A Yes. Oil additives be safely used after XcelPlus treatment.

Q Can oil additives be used during XcelPlus treatment?
A Yes
N.B. Oil additives change the performance of the oil and do not interfere with XcelPlus which bonds to the metal.

Q What effect does using XcelPlus have on oil or oil additives?
A Oils and oil additives last longer and work better because less wear particles end up in the oil and deplete your additive package.

Q Can you extend the oil change intervals when using XcelPlus?
A No. We recommend maintaining manufacturer specified oil change intervals

Q Do you have to shake the bottle to suspend the XcelPlus prior to adding it to an engine?
A No. XcelPlus does not require shaking to remain in suspension.

Q Should I shake the bottle if there is any sedimentation?
A Yes. There is a small amount of detergent in the product. This sometimes settles on the bottom.

Q Can I run my engine without oil after treating with XcelPlus?
Running without oil is not recommended.
N.B. Oil helps remove heat/contaminants and decreases impact forces. Tests running without oil are only to demonstrate that XcelPlus adds an extra level of protection in excess of that provided by oil or oil additives.

Q Can XcelPlus be used in hydraulics?
A Yes. Hydraulic oils are normally non-polar. XcelPlus is soluble in a non-polar hydraulic oil N.B. Use the gear treatment if gears are present.

Q Can XcelPlus be used in brake fluid
A No. Brake fluid is highly polar and the XcelPlus is non-polar: the product will not dissolve.

Q Can XcelPlus be used in water?
A No. Water is polar and XcelPlus is non-polar. Unlike substances do not dissolve in each other.

Q Will painting XcelPlus onto a surface work?
A Yes. XcelPlus will coat but in the absence of heat and pressure it will be very slow.

Q Is the Engine treatment subject to evaporation?
A No. It contains a paraffin which is extremely heat resistant.

Q Will centrifugal filtration stop XcelPlus from working?
A We recommend that you change back to standard filtration for one oil change.

Q Will a centrifugal clutch be affected by XcelPlus?
A No: As long as the centrifugal clutch is metal to fibre it will not slip.

Q Is there anywhere you shouldn't put XcelPlus?
A Do not use it in automatic transmissions (including CVT's), new engines and anywhere where metal to metal friction is required.

Q How much is wear reduced after treatment with XcelPlus?
A Wear was reduced to ~1/2 - 1/10 normal. This is equivalent to a ~2 - 10x increase in engine lifespan: Refer Yaris and FAA tests

Q Is XcelPlus good for Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF's)?
A Yes. Soot, hydrocarbons (HC's), other particulates and emissions are reduced after treatment.

Q Will my engine keep improving after the oil is changed?
A Sometimes the engine will continue to improve after the oil is changed.

Q What is the most visually striking result obtained after treating a car with XcelPlus?
A Oil which turned black very rapidly prior to treatment remained clear after treatment (Ford Falcon LPG 2001)

Q What is the most unexpected result obtained after treating something with the XcelPlus Engine Treatment?
A  The chain on a Yamaha XT600 suddenly became very quiet and chain and sprocket life increased from ~12,000 km to 57,777 km ( refer testimonials)


2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)

For 4 Strokes

Q Should Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) be applied before or after the Engine Treatment?
A Apply the CCT after applying the Engine Treatment. The cleaner the engine the better the CCT will coat. Use at least a couple of tanks of fuel before treating with CCT.

Q What size 4-Stroke petrol or diesel engine does one 15 mL bottle of XcelPlus Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) treat?
A Up to 3.5 L (applied pro rata): Refer application chart

Q Why do you use less Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) in 4-Stroke engines?
A Because you are only treating the combustion chamber not the crankcase as well.

Q Why is the XcelPlus 2-Stroke Treatment also called a "Combustion Chamber Treatment" (CCT)
A Because it also lubricates the combustion chamber in 4-stroke engines

Q Will XcelPlus Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) protect leaded engines running unleaded fuel against exhaust valve recession and provide extra lubrication?
A Yes. The CCT will coat all surfaces exposed to combustion gases.

Q How can you tell that valve wear is reduced after treating with XcelPlus Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)?
A The need for valve adjustment is reduced

Q Can XcelPlus 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) prevent valve float?
A Yes. Improved lubrication will reduce friction which will make valves move more more freely, less prone to sticking and thus less prone to floating.

Q Should you add less CCT to a small 4-Stroke engine?
A Yes

Q Why should you treat the combustion chamber of an engine with CCT?
A To improve lubrication: The highest friction area in an engine is the contact area between the piston and the bore.
N.B. Improving lubrication (reducing friction) in the combustion chamber is thus one of the best things you can do for an engine.

Q Why is lubrication in the combustion chamber of a 4-stroke engine poor?
A Because oil does not reach the combustion chamber.

Q Why doesn't the XcelPlus Engine Treatment treat the combustion chamber in a 4-Stroke engine?
A XcelPlus Engine Treatment can only treat areas of the engine where the oil circulates.

Q Can you give an example of how CCT has helped a 4-stroke engine?
A In motorcycles valve clearance adjustment was no longer required after treating with the CCT i.e. Valve seats and valve faces stopped wearing.
N.B. XcelPlus Engine Treatment stops wear on the inside of the engine (valves, cams and shims/tappets) but typically shim/tappet adjustment is still required until CCT is applied.

For 2-Strokes

Q What size 2-Stroke engine does one 15 mL bottle of XcelPlus 2-stroke treat?
A Up to 750 cc (applied pro rata): Refer application chart

Q Does the XcelPlus 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) last as long as the Engine treatment?
A No. The temperatures in the combustion chamber can be as high as 1100˚C at the valve seats and this will decrease the life of the treatment.

Q Will the XcelPlus 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) stop power valves from sticking?
A Yes.

Q Will XcelPlus 2-Stroke Treatment prevent exhaust pipes from clogging up?
A Yes. A cleaner running engine will reduce or eliminate deposits in the exhaust pipe.

Q Can you add more than the recommended amount of XcelPlus 2-Stroke Treatment?
A It is undesirable to add significantly more than the recommended amount (15 mL/750 cc)


Generic info

Q How is the XcelPlus 2 Stroke and Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) applied?
A Add it via the fuel, the oil injection system or the air intake.

Q Can you over treat an engine with the 2-Stroke and Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)?
A It is undesirable to apply significantly more than the recommended amount as the dilution may be insufficient.

Q What can you do if you suspect you have undertreated your engine with 2-Stroke and Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)?
A Add another bottle of CCT to ensure full treatment.

Q How can you check if  your engine is undertreated with 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)?
A If you add a bottle of the 2-Stroke & CCT to your engine and your mileage improves (or you get some other benefit) then it was under-treated.

Q How much petrol should you use to dilute the 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)?
A A full tank of petrol i.e. Higher dilution is better.

Q Is it better to treat an engine with 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) quickly or slowly?
A Treating an engine slowly will give you a better coating.

Q Which treatment method for the 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) works the best?
A Dilution in the fuel works very well. Oil injection also works very well.

Q Which treatment method for the 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) is the simplest?
A Adding to the fuel is usually the simplest way to treat an engine.

Q Which treatment method for the Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) is most commonly used?
A Dilution in the fuel is the most common method.

Q How long does the 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) last?
A ~160,000 km

Q When should you re-treat an engine with the 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)?
A When the engine starts to run rougher than it used to or after 160,000 km

Q If you have a very small fuel tank how can you increase the dilution of the 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)?
A Dilute the treatment in a jerry can (or other large container) and fill the tank until it is all used up.

Q Can the XcelPlus 2-stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment be added via the carburettor (air intake)?
A Yes

Q When should the Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) be applied via the air intake?
A When it is not possible to apply it via the fuel or oil injection e.g. On LPG only engines

Q What is the best way to apply the Combustion Chamber Treatment via the the air intake?
A Via the PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) valve

Q When applying the Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) via the air intake how can you avoid fouling the Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor?
A Apply the treatment via the PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) valve

Q How do you know the XcelPlus 2-stroke Treatment & Combustion Chamber Treatment is working?
The RPM's increase: In engines without a computer controlled idle speed

Q Is the Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) any good for turbo chargers?
A Yes. Turbo chargers love the extra lubrication provided by the XcelPlus Combustion Chamber Treatment

Q Why does the XcelPlus Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) work so well in turbo chargers?
A XcelPlus treats the metal with a super slippery boundary lubricant that resists high temperatures and corrosion:

Turbo chargers fail because the exhaust gases that drive a turbo are a poor lubricant: The turbo charger environment is one of the harshest in the engine with speeds of up to 180,000 RPM and  exhaust temperatures of up to 1050 ºC

Q How do you ensure the XcelPlus 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) mixes well with the fuel in the tank?
A Wash down the CCT with a little bit of fuel or mix it in with some petrol prior to adding it.

Q Should you apply the XcelPlus 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) at the same time as the Engine Treatment?
A No. Apply the CCT a few weeks or a few thousand kilometres later to allow engine cleaning to occur.

Q Does it matter when you add the XcelPlus Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT)?
A Yes. Add CCT after any engine cleaning is completed and after the Engine Treatment.

Q How do you know the 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) is working?
A Noise, vibration and emissions in an engine normally decrease. Fuel economy, power and responsiveness normally improve.

Q Why does the Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) have a dripper plug?
A It helps to measure out small amounts and prevents leaks.

Q How can the 2-Stroke & Combustion Chamber Treatment (CCT) be poured out faster?
A Remove the dripper plug prior to dispensing.

Q Is the XcelPlus 2-Stroke Treatment compatible with model aircraft fuel?
A No. The methanol used in model aircraft fuels is polar and the 2-Stroke is non-polar: The product will sediment. .

Q Can the XcelPlus 2-Stroke Treatment be used to treat model aircraft engines?
A Yes. Drip a small amount in via the air intake.

Q What is the most unexpected result of treating the combustion chamber in a 4-stroke engine?
A Pinging (pre-ignition) in single cylinder air cooled motorcycles decreased or disappeared.


Gear Treatment (Concentrate)

Q How much XcelPlus Gear Treatment should you use?
A Add 10 % of the oil volume

Q Can you use XcelPlus Gear Treatment in Limited Slip Differentials (LSD's)?
A Yes: Any LSD that doesn't require metal to metal friction won't slip e.g. Has alternating fibre/metal clutch plates

Q Can you treat an automatic transmission e.g. CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission), hydrostatic transmission with XcelPlus Gear Treatment?
A No. It will usually cause slippage.
N.B. Clutch packs with alternating metal/fibre plates do not slip because only the metal plate is coated.

Q Can you treat differentials, gear boxes, transfer cases, power steering and other parts with XcelPlus Gear Treatment?
A Yes. Virtually anything which uses oil as a lubricant can have XcelPlus added to it
N.B. It should not be used in automatic transmissions (including CVT's) as it will usually cause slippage.

Q Are there any situations in which XcelPlus does not work?
A Yes. When oil pump is not working or when the treatment is not added

Q Is there anything the Gear Treatment should not be used with?
A Yes. It should not be used with polar lubricants (alcohols) as these are incompatible. If in doubt mix the two liquids. If they fail to mix they are incompatible
e.g. water is a polar liquid and will not mix

Q How does the gear treatment differ from the engine treatment?
A It is thicker. It is specifically formulated for gearboxes. It is dosed at 10% of the oil volume.

Q Can Engine Treatment be used instead of Gear Treatment?
A No. It is not optimised for the gearbox.

Q Will you harm a gearbox if you put in Engine Treatment?
A No


Light Lubricant

Q How is the lubricant best applied?
A You can use a spray nozzle, a brush, a stick or a dropper: Only a small amount is required for most applications.

Q How long does the lubricant last?
A It depends on the application. It has a residual effect and lasts a long time. However it does not use the pfl technology (which lasts even longer) N.B. Try to avoid hot places and leaving the lid off to minimise evaporation of the light solvent carrier.

Q Where is the lubricant most effective?
A Anywhere a small metal surface has a friction problem

Q Does the lubricant work on heavy metal surfaces or surfaces with large loads?
A If you have very large heavy surfaces or surfaces with large loads the XcelPlus grease is a better choice.

Q Where do "you" find the lubricant works best?
A Locks and hinges. Especially locks made from cheap porous metals... which normally need repeated lubrication to keep working. It has an amazing penetrating ability and once in it lubricates and keeps working for very long periods of time.

Q What is the most unusual application you have found for the lubricant?
A The solenoids, pushrods, plunger and other moving parts on a pinball machine were sticking and required regular lubrication. One treatment with a very small amount of the lubricant solved all the sticking problems and lasted over 2 years.

Q Is it true that the Light Lubricant has a lower coefficient of friction than PTFE?
A Yes. The Coefficient of Friction (CoF) was tested as 44% (0.0223) lower than PTFE (0.04).



Q What base is used in the XcelPlus Grease?
A The XcelPlus Grease is petroleum based

Q What happens when you treat parts like bearings with the XcelPlus grease?
The parts last longer and require greasing less often (saves lots of work): This also means less grease is required.

Q How can I tell the XcelPlus grease is working?
A Usually it is possible to notice a decrease in rolling resistance after a short run-in e.g. Try rolling down a hill after you grease all the wheel bearings.

Q What temperatures does the grease resist?
A -29 - 260 ºC

Q Can the grease be used for marine applications?
A Yes. The grease resists being washed out and the permanent coating remains even after the grease is gone. 


Aircraft Treatment

Q How does the Aircraft Treatment differ from the other treatments
It is not as concentrated (to optimise treatment)

Q What kinds of aircraft engines does it treat?
A Piston engines up to 736 kW (1,000 HP)

Q Is the Aircraft Treatment FAA accepted?
A Yes

Q How much is added to the aircraft engine oil?
A Use a ratio of 1:5 (17 %)

Q How often should you re-treat?
A Every 300 hours: to ensure optimum protection and performance

Q Can the Engine Treatment be used instead of the Aircraft Treatment?
A No. The Aircraft Treatment is FAA accepted and specially optimised (more dilute) to work better in aircraft

Q Is it cheaper to buy the Aircraft Treatment than the Engine Treatment?
A No. The bottle might be bigger but the Engine Treatment is more concentrated


Sludge Out

Q What is Sludge Out used for?
A For cleaning dirty engines e.g. Diesels often build up large deposits of carbon.

Q How long is Sludge Out left in the engine?
A 25-40 km

Q When is Sludge out applied?
A 25-40 km before doing an oil change

Q How do you know the engine is dirty and requires a clean?
A If your dipstick or oil cap has a brown sheen on it then it probably needs a clean
N.B. Diesel engines in particular collect carbon deposits and should be regularly cleaned. 

Q Is there anything else we can do before treating with XcelPlus Engine Treatment?
A Add Ring Free for one oil change before treating with XcelPlus Engine Treatment.


Ring Free

Q What is Ring Free used for?
A To improve the performance of crankcase oils, to clean the engine and free up the rings

Q What kind of engines benefit from Ring Free the most?
A Dirty engines will benefit from the extra cleaning e.g. Diesel engines with deposits of carbon.

Q When should Ring Free be applied?
A After cleaning the Engine with Sludge Out.
One oil change before treating with XcelPlus Engine Treatment.

Q If the XcelPlus Engine Treatment has already been applied is it worth adding Ring Free?
A Yes. The performance of crankcase oils is improved and more sludge/carbon will be removed.

Q Is Ring Free a metal treatment like the XcelPlus Engine Treatment?
A No. It is an oil treatment: Oil treatments are flushed out when you change the oil.

Q What kind of engine would benefit from Ring Free?
A A noisy or vibrating engine i.e. Noise and vibration indicate poor lubrication


N.B. If you have an unusual application and you're not sure please ask us.